The Government Is Paying Homeowners To Go Solar: Here’s How It Works


In the US we pay more on our energy bills than most of the World. On top of that our energy bills have been steadily rising over the last 20 years. It only makes sense that as the demand for energy grows so will the cost of our bills.

Can We Trust Our Energy Providers?

Many people do not know that recently the wholesale cost of energy has fallen for the energy companies but we as consumers have not seen the difference in our energy bills. We all need electricity and heating but the companies in charge do not seem concerned about providing a fair service at a fair cost.

So, What Can We Do?

Can our homes become our own personal power stations? well actually, many US homes already have. With solar panels popping up all over you may have wondered why they are considered a really great investment.

One reason solar power has seen a boom in recent years is that the price of installing solar panels has come down massively. Solar panels are now more affordable than they have ever been. Here are four more of the best reasons for installing solar.

  1. Cut Electricity Bills in HALF

    Average estimates state that you can save up to 50% off of your yearly electricity bills with solar panels. You would also be protected against any future electricity price-hikes as you would rely less on energy companies by providing your own free electricity.

    You can save even more with a solar storage battery. With this you can store the electricity your panels make for use in the evening. This way you can use your free electricity during the night and spend less on bills.

  2. Tax-free Money For Solar

    The government still offers a tax-free incentive to homes with solar panels. You are paid a small rate for each unit of electricity that your panels produce… for 20 years. You should act quickly though as this scheme will not be in place forever.

    It is vital that you find a properly accredited solar installer otherwise you would not be able to claim the government scheme. There are many solar cowboys out there so you need to ensure that the company you choose is trustworthy, reliable and highly recommended.

  3. Increase The Value of Your Home

    Real Estate agents now consider solar panels as something that can add value to your home. This is because the many benefits of solar can make a home more desirable.

  4. Easy Peasy

    Once solar panels have been installed you can pretty much leave them to it. They last 20-30 years with little maintenance. So just sit back, relax and let your solar panels do the work.

If you want to avoid solar cowboys click on where you live on the map below to get a fast, free, online quote for solar panels in your zip.
