Low initial investment

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Many homeowners assume that solar panels would be far beyond their price range, but the cost of solar panels has drop significantly in recent years and is expected to continue to do so. Solar panel installer also offer financing options as well as leasing options. Leasing is an attractive offer for many families, because in manyContinue Reading

Solar Energy for Greener Living

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Generating your own electricity by converting energy from the sun reduces your use of fossil fuels, thereby reducing your carbon footprint and the overall warming of the planet. What are fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are fuels that are formed from anaerobic decomposition of organisms, which form into coal or oil. Fossil fuels are a limited resource,Continue Reading

Long-Term Savings

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Significantly reduce your electric bills Exactly how much your solar panels will save you on electric bills depends on a variety of variables.  How large your solar power system is compared to your overall electricity usage is the main variable. You will also need to consider that each city has a different price tag for electricContinue Reading